Besoek ons webtuiste 'Brucellatested':

GMP Traceability en ander Brusellose artikels

Geagte leser ons het 'n verskeidenheid artikels wat in wetenskaplike tydskrifte en die algemene media voorkom. Hierdie is van belang vir die lewendehawe en wildsektor aangaande brusellose en hul  relevansie tot die bedrywe.

We also include information for the animal owner as how to utilize the GMP platform to record, manage and offer for sale animals tested and verified free of brucellosis.

The purpose of the articles is to provide necessary information to the reader regarding animal identification, management and traceability principles in the GMPBasic® software that have been researched and developed since 2005.

GMP management have done intensive research, development and on-farm testing to provide a system to the user that does not only provide important traceability information for state veterinary departments, statistics, law enforcement, livestock anti-theft agencies, producers, veterinarians and other related and authorised organizations. The system also assists the users in their day-to-day animal management, disease monitoring, disease control, prevention campaigns and social responsibility needs.

We have published a number of links to articles available. Should you have relevant articles related to value add of GMP to the livestock owners, producers, organizations, AHT's, state and private veterinarians, laboratory technicians and other Para-veterinary colleagues please forward to us for review and if material is relevant we will gladly publish it with certain T&C's included and legal notifications.

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ENGELS en AFRIKAANSe artikels  Die artikels is tot u beskikking send us an email and allow us a day or two to respond to your request

1. GMP Oorplaatjie Meriete

2. Brusellose

2.a Jaarlikse Brusellose toeste

3. Brucellatested 2017 - toetrede inligting

3.a Brucellatested - Toetsprys Inligting 2017


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