Livestock Health & Production Planning

Would you like to :

- Join the GMPBasic livestock health & production program ?
- Start from the basics and develop your herd/flock into a top performing herd/flock ?
- Evaluate your performance against yourself ?
- Evaluate your herd/flock's production performance within your farm's resources ?


- Prepare a Livestock health program-costing for your herd/flock's performance figures ?
- Order your products according to your herd/flock's needs ?
- Prepare "disease free" animals for RE-SALE at an auction ?
- ADD value to your herd/flock ?


- Like to join but don't have the time ?
- Have your herd/flock's raw data captured into your GMPBasic TM profile and administered on your behalf ?
- Have your herd/flock listed in our National
GMPBasic compliant listing on the INTERNET for potential buyers of stock or weaners to see ? 






GMPBasic™ has the ability to assist in the maintenance and improvement of food safety from "origin to consumer"

Users that would like to know more regarding the:

  • Where
  • How
  • Wat
  • Verification

Please contact Rachelle from GMP Traceability at:


GMP Livestock Plan 

Cell +27 83 630 7181

Quality is possible through GMPTAGS


Contact Us