Are you a farmer, breeder, buyer & seller, inspectorate body, government official or any other interested party ?

Give us a call on the cellular number listed in order to filter your enquiry so as to be able to either supply the most appropriate information or to re-direct you to someone within our organisation.
Alternately we could re-direct you to the relevant person or organisation in any of these above sectors.

Dear Reader, we appreciate the time you have spent on our website and would like to wish you a good day.


Quality is possible through the GMPBasic management system..........You can manage Livestock, Companion animals, Wildlife, Birds, Reptiles & Other animals in one system..........Contact us for further assistance and specifications


Contact Us


Should you contact us via e-mail, we will include you on our e-mail contact list. This information is used in order to send you information in the future regarding these services.

We understand that privacy is of importance to you and will strive not to abuse your contact information.

Should you feel that we should not contact you again in future, kindly indicate such to us.

We trust that your visit to this website is informative, useful and that you may inform other people of its services.

Positive, constructive advice and requests will always be considered.

Support and enquiries

Cell: +27 83 630 7181  

 Tel: +27 11 9544971

 Fax: +27 11 9544971
