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The herd was one of the first herds of cattle to be tagged and be placed onto the ID tags & GMPBasic system:

Nguni cattle for Auction


The animals arrived on Mr. Asmal's farm in late 2006. Most of the heifers and especially the cows were in poor body condition. 2006 had been a very dry year with many animals across the country being in poor body condition due to a general lack of feed.

All animals were immediately treated for internal and external parasites.

A whole spectrum of bacterial & viral disease conditions were prophylactically vaccinated for.

Despite these early efforts, some cows were already too emaciated and subsequently died. These losses were however restricted and through a process of feed support and sound animal health care the herd's condition improved dramatically.

During the next 18 months the following treatments were applied by Mr Asmal and these actions assisted him to improve the status of the herd within a short period

1. Pour - on remedy to control ticks
2. Vaccinations - Supavax   ( Anthrax, Botulism, Clostridium )
                        Multiclos   ( 8 types of Clostridium diseases )
                        Bovilis Qarat ( BVD, IBR, PI3, BRSV )
                        Lumpy skin disease
                        Bovitect P ( Pasteurella )

3. Deworming remedy - Fluxacur, Ivotan L.A.



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The cows conditions improved and the number of new born calves were very evident

To date the numbers of animals have increased dramatically to the point that a sale is going to be held on 19 June 2008 in order to reduce stock.

The state veterinary department of Gauteng, will be testing all the animals for TB & CA disease. All positive animals will be removed from the herd.

A private practicing veterinarian will also SCAN all the cows and provide the relevant PD ( pregnancy diagnosis ) data to the farm management. They will log this data on the software system for management purposes.

The auctioneers on the day were:

19 June 2008

All animals details are available via the ID Tags & GMPBasic system for prospective new owners. Owners wishing to receive this data electronically will receive a free CD & user manual in order to import the details of their animals.

For more Information about this service please contact the department  below.

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CA testing of Cattle herds 


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